2019 Fall Leadership Conference: OWN IT!
Thwing Center
11111 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106, United States
At the Fall Leadership Conference, participants will have the opportunity to meet and interact with other student leaders from across Northeast Ohio and together, they will connect with CWRU staff, faculty, alumni, community members & other presenters who are passionate about topics related to leadership and organizational management.
By attending the Fall Leadership Conference, it is our hope participants will:
Learn techniques to lead in a way that fosters a sense of belonging and pride on their campus.
Learn strategies to develop an authentic and impactful leadership identity.
Learn how to make tough decisions and lead in complex situations.
Conference Overview
9:30 a.m. - Registration and Breakfast
10 a.m. - Conference welcome and opening speaker
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Sessions (divided into two 50-minute blocks)
1 p.m. - Networking lunch with students and presenters
The 2019 Fall Leadership Conference is Co-Sponsored by the Undergraduate Student Government, Undergraduate Diversity Collaborative, Residence Hall Association, and the Interfraternity Congress and Panhellenic Council Executive Boards.
Past Events
11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Graduate students especially are susceptible to Impostor Syndrome -- feeling that their accomplishments are built on fraud and that other people will find this out. This workshop will help you to gain an understanding of what Impostor Syndrome is, identify sources of the mindset, and develop tools to help students overcome Impostor Syndrome.
Hosted by Jenn Brown and Rachel Begley
11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
The Enneagram refers to the nine different types or styles, with each representing a worldview and archetype that resonates with the way people thihnk, feel and act in relation to the world, others and themselves. Come find out if you're a performer, a perfectionist, or a protector and how it informs how you lead!
Hosted by Leah Shaw
11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Now's not the time to lose focus! If you could get all the people on your team to be well-blended and doing their part to achieve results, you could dominate any project, achieve any goal, beat any competition, any time. All teams go through growing pains, especially when new members of the team join. We will outline the most frequent causes of team dysfunction, address how you identify when it's happening, and develop ways to overcome it.
Hosted by Billy Bernard
11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Motivating others can be challenging! Yet, as a leader, there's always a way to inspire others to work towards a common goal -- whether it's a group project for class, an activity with a student organization, or a team goal at work or in your internship. In this session, you'll learn the do's and don'ts of motivational leadership, and how to recognize the ways in which you're already a leader.
Hosted by Kevin Sullivan and Autumn Hepler
11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
People often become leaders because they care. They care about the organization, the cause, the activities, and the people. As leaders, we become so focused on caring about others that we forget to care for ourselves. In this session, leaders can expect to learn how to develop resiliency, set and keep personal boundaries, and identify relationships they can lean on for support.
Hosted by Mel Dickey
11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Participants will experience a leadership themed escape room that simulates tough decisions and leadership in complex situations. Students will be asked to make meaning of their environment, work as team using one another's strengths, make quick decisions reflecting on positive, negative and neutral consequences of those decisions and achieve a shared vision, all under the lens of developing their leadership identity. Escape Room survivors will leave being able to articulate their leadership identity under pressure-driven situations.
Hosted by Katie Schneider and Kelly Goodison
11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
American student debt has topped 1.4 trillion dollars, hopelessness and poor mental health are rampant across demographics and regions, and almost every day we hear about some new way the world might end. It prompts one to ask, "How can I lead well in a world that is constantly in crisis? How can I meet challenges with optimism in a viscerally discouraging social climate? And how can I be an advocate for hope even when I don't have it?" This session seeks to help participants answer these questions and more through a pointed analysis of characters from apocalyptic film and literature. Over the course of this session, we will derive lessons in leadership from post-apocalyptic media such as, "A Quiet Place," "Snowpiercer," and Cormac McCarthy's "The Road." And, through a facilitated discussion, we will seek to distill a functional leadership theory from the insights these works of fiction provide to us.
Hosted by David Schwartz
12:00 PM – 12:50 PM
Now's not the time to lose focus! If you could get all the people on your team to be well-blended and doing their part to achieve results, you could dominate any project, achieve any goal, beat any competition, any time. All teams go through growing pains, especially when new members of the team join. We will outline the most frequent causes of team dysfunction, address how you identify when it's happening, and develop ways to overcome it.
Hosted by Billy Bernard
12:00 PM – 12:50 PM
Study after study shows that cross-cultural collaboration results in higher levels of creativity and innovation, and in more positive outcomes, than mono-cultural collaboration. However, building cross-cultural working relationships is easier said than done. Join Elizabeth Miller in this workshop to discuss how cross-cultural work builds creativity, how to build cultural bridges and strengthen cross-cultural relationships, and what you can do today to practice these new skills.
Hosted by Elizabeth Miller
12:00 PM – 12:50 PM
Learn more about your purpose, your passion, and your journey. By using the tools from the Ikiagi model and student development theories, explore more about who you are and where you fit in the world not matter the steps of your journey.
Hosted by Cerelia Bizzell
12:00 PM – 12:50 PM
In traditional meditative practices, it is said that in order to reach a state of enlightenment, all seven chakras must exist in harmony with one another. Leadership can be viewed through the same lens: As a constantly evolving practice through which one can strengthen, balance, and align all seven facets of leadership in a way that will lead to not only personal fulfillment but the success of the group as a whole. This presentation will illuminate the traditional meaning of the seven chakras and foundational principles of energy alignment. These principles are then used to help the participant distill their truest form as a leader. I have also included a chakra assessment activity to help the participant identify if one or more of their leadership chakras are "out of alignment." Once identified we can work through a series of techniques to strengthen or, in some cases, weaken said chakra so that a person may return to optimal alignment and lead with their truest selves.
Hosted by Katie Staskus and Mary Hess
12:00 PM – 12:50 PM
This session will provide participants with information and skills about the different types of leadership. Participants will learn how personal values influence their leadership styles and techniques.
Hosted by John Killings
11:00 PM – 11:50 PM
There is much emphasis today being placed on the importance of Emotional Intelligence. This session is designed to expose participants to the basic principles of emotional intelligence and the competencies that are necessary for its development. This interactive session will demonstrate how leaders go from good to great with the mastery of emotional intelligence. Learn to leverage and enhance your professional and personal relationships when putting emotional intelligence principles into practice.
Hosted by Debbie Fatica