External Affairs

The UDC External Affairs Committee

The External Affairs Committee works on collaborative events with student and/or community organizations, coordinates with external committees and/or panels with administrators such as the Faculty Senate Committee on Minority Affairs and task forces, works on the For A Better CWRU task force which has projects ranging from the Mather Center to counseling accessibility, to Greek Life and college fees, and collaborates with other associations on and off campus to promote inclusion in the greater community.

External Affairs Committee Contact Information

Fareeda Farhan, Vice President of External Affairs | Email: ffn3@case.edu

External Affairs Committee Meetings

The UDC Finance Committee meets weekly with a minimum of twice a month unless noted otherwise. These meetings are open and any member of the student body is able to sit in on these meetings, with the exception of closed meetings. All minutes from these meetings can be provided upon request.

Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week

External Affairs Committee Minutes

Contact the current VP for a request of the meeting minutes.