GSC - Activism, Social Service, School of Medicine
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Mission The Human Rights Initiative's (HRI) primary goal is to oversee the Asylum Clinic, which provides forensic documentation of the physical and psychological sequelae of torture and abuse experienced by individuals applying for asylum in the United States. The organization is guided by research from Physicians for Human Rights, which shows that inclusion of a medical affidavit in an asylum application significantly increases the likelihood of approval. HRI is a unique opportunity for medical student volunteers to learn about the profound nature of the struggles of asylum seekers and work directly with providers in the forensic examinations and legal affidavit preparation.
Membership BenefitsWe offer scribing and other opportunities to volunteer with the Asylum Clinic, in order to support asylum seekers in the US facing deportation. We meet weekly to discuss client cases and will send out emails periodically to ask for scribes for medical and psychiatric evaluations.
Lifetime membership