NSF CIVIC Ideation Session (Virtual)
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Track A. Living in a changing climate: pre-disaster action around adaptation, resilience, and mitigation
Track B. Bridging the gap between essential resources and services & community needs.
In an effort to connect potential collaborators, the IoT Collaborative, a partnership between Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland State University, will hold a virtual CIVIC Ideation Session on March 24th, inviting civic and non-profit partners to present a community challenge relevant to the NSF CIVIC opportunity.
During the ideation session, participants will have 3 minutes to present their submission ideas(s) via a previously-completed quad chart. The quad chart template can be found in the attached Powerpoint presentation.
The deadline for submission of completed Quad Charts to proposals@iotcollaborative.org is March 17 at 5:00 PM.
File Attachments: IoT_Collaborative_NSF_CIVIC_2022_Ideation_Templatev2
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