

About Us

Case's only club for Japanese Pop-Culture and Anime. This semester we will be holding 2 regular weekly meetings. Our Friday meetings at 8pm in Nord 410 will involve watching anime chosen by the audience, in addition to an episode of a show that we will watch to its completion through the semester, so feel free to drop by and watch anime with us! Our Tuesday meetings will involve more miscellaneous activities from board games and movies to visual novels.

Join our Discord to catch up on the latest JapanCase news: https://discord.gg/FFBkNcr

Previous Events

Due to the difficult circumstances of the 2020 semester, JapanCase is unable to host the same activities as we otherwise would. Previous years, we have held: 24 hour movie marathons, sushi making events, sponsored japanese films shown by the Film Society, and we work with several other clubs to host an annual Case-con. However, this semester we are working to see what options are available, so expect some previous events, and perhaps some new ones, to return.

Members Benefits

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Our Team

Alex Christian Profile

Alex Christian

Matthew Fell Profile

Matthew Fell

Anna Miller Profile

Anna Miller

Kosuke Ogaki Profile

Kosuke Ogaki

Sara Wang Profile

Sara Wang

Risk Manager