Banner for The Law Med Center Presents: Cognitive Decline and the Law

The Law Med Center Presents: Cognitive Decline and the Law

by Law Events


Fri, Mar 1, 2024

8:45 AM – 3:45 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Moot Courtroom, A59

11075 East Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44106, United States

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5.5 CLE credits is for In-Person attendance only.

If interested in viewing the conference virtually, please sign up at: . There will be NO CLE credit available for virtual attendance.

As the American population ages, a growing number of people will suffer cognitive decline. Cognitive decline may affect individuals’ ability to work, drive, obtain medical care, manage their finances and engage in other activities of daily living. As cognitive decline becomes more prevalent in American Society, legal experts and policy makers will need to grapple with its implications. This conference will explore a variety of legal and policy challenges associated with cognitive decline. Topics will include medical decision-making, guardianship, cognitive decline among incarcerated individuals, family caregivers, telemedicine and much more.

File Attachments: Speakers_and_Agenda


Moot Courtroom, A59

11075 East Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44106, United States