Thu, Jan 21, 2021

12 PM – 1 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Members of the Case Western Reserve University community, particularly those faculty in STEM-related fields, are invited to join a monthly Journal Club focused on STEM faculty recruitment and retention. Pathway 4 of the university's strategic plan, Think Big, seeks to increase recruitment and retention of historically disenfranchised populations in STEM disciplines. These monthly meetings will focus on readings about best practices and research on faculty recruitment and mentoring, as well as other related topics that will engage attendees in discussion about the reading. While geared toward faculty in STEM specific fields, the events are open to everyone at Case Western Reserve.


To access this meeting, visit
Meeting ID: 992 7877 3116
Security Passcode: 417594

Meeting #4

Patching the Leaks: Revitalizing and Reimagining the STEM Pipeline

Selected Reading & Instructions

Please review Patching the Leaks: Revitalizing and Reimagining the STEM Pipeline and come prepared to discuss the reading.

Hosted By

Blanton S. Tolbert, Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences and Think Big Pathway 1 Leader.

Upcoming Meetings

Meeting #5: Thursday, February 18 from noon to 1 p.m.
Meeting #6: Thursday, March 18 from noon to 1 p.m.
Meeting #7: Thursday, April 22 from noon to 1 p.m.

Hosted By

Office of the Provost | Website | View More Events

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