Public Relations

The UDC Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee is responsible for creating and distributing promotional material for UDC. The committee also maintains the weekly newsletter, while also being involved with other UDC-related initiatives and events, such as the Students Activities Fair, Thwing Study Over, and Springfeset. PR works closely with the Programming Committee, sharing committee members. The committee will also aid the VP of PR in searching for events of UDC organizations to promote, as well as aid in developing plans for advertising said UDC meetings and programs.

This committee is limited to 1-2 people.

Public Relations Committee Contact Information

Fatima Sagier, Vice President of Public Relations | Email:

Public Relations Committee Meetings

The UDC Public Relations Committee will meet based on the schedule of the Vice President of PR unless noted otherwise. These meetings are open and any member of the student body is able to sit in on these meetings, with the exception of closed meetings. All minutes from these meetings can be provided upon request.

Time Commitment: TBD (set by VP of PR)

Finance Committee Minutes

Contact the current VP for a request of the meeting minutes.