Asian American Alliance

Become part of one of the biggest diversity clubs on campus!

About Us

The Asian American Alliance strives to better reflect the Asian-American undergraduate experience and to promote unity and cultural awareness in our community. We hope to promote awareness of Asian American social issues and also to promote our diverse culture by organizing educational and recreational events throughout the academic year.









Members Benefits

For updates and club announcements for upcoming events, follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts!

Events & Activities

- Find us at 'Student Activities Fair' and 'Diversity 360' to learn more about who we are and get to know our executive board members!

- Get to know new and returning students by coming to our DynAAAsty Mixer and introduce yourself to your potential Big or Little!

- Join us at our two biggest annual philanthropy events (one in each semester) for an exciting night of delicious food and performances: Taste of Asia and AAA night

- Sushi Night

- Welcome Back Barbecue

Why join AAA?

- Integrate with other students of various cultural backgrounds and learn different aspects of Asian culture

- Make new friends while enjoying exciting activities and food we have prepared for you!

- Become a Big to act as a mentor for your Little, and get to know them to provide tips on getting adjusted to CWRU and making the best out of this diverse community.

- Become a Little to receive mentorship from your Big and learn more about the cultural diversity our community boasts, and become more familiar with the academic and social life at CWRU!

How to Join

Feel free to join us anytime!

Follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts for upcoming event announcements, and all you have to do is come and enjoy our various activities and treats!

Our executive board

Taebin Son Profile

Taebin Son

Ethan Park Profile

Ethan Park

Freshman Representative
Rainie Zheng Profile

Rainie Zheng

Freshman Representative
Daniel Kim Profile

Daniel Kim

Community Chair
Brian Kong Profile

Brian Kong

Fellowship Chair
Vicky Cao Profile

Vicky Cao

Internal Culture Chair
Daniel Moon Profile

Daniel Moon

Brandon Huang Profile

Brandon Huang

Abigail Kim Profile

Abigail Kim

External Culture Chair
David Park Profile

David Park

Elizabeth Jang Profile

Elizabeth Jang

Randy Blackford Profile

Randy Blackford



Asian American Alliance

10900 Euclid Ave
Cleveland Ohio 44106
United States