Climbing Club

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The purpose of the organization shall be to organize a congregation of students who share a common passion for climbing. We provide organized activities to allow students with or without prior experience to participate in the sport of rock climbing. We hope to give an opportunity for all students to try the sport and to help students with a climbing background further their skills.









Members Benefits

Weekly meetings at the Veale rock climbing wall. We host 3 club sponsored trips where we go to the Red River Gorge or the New River Gorge. Members are able to submit requests to loan out our club gear for their personal use at local gyms or outdoor trips on their own. During all of our meetings and trips we are also teaching new or experienced climbers more about how to use the equipment and how to stay safe while climbing with techniques and equipment.

Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.

Our Team

Courtenay Mackey Profile

Courtenay Mackey

Cheez-Its Supplier
Veronica Perez Profile

Veronica Perez

Cheez-Its Supplier
Toby Chandriani Profile

Toby Chandriani

Rope Gun
Alison Solik Profile

Alison Solik

Cheez-Its Supplier
Kent Manion Profile

Kent Manion

Professional Whipper
James Van Orman Profile

James Van Orman

Professional Whipper
Elissa Frankel Profile

Elissa Frankel

Rope Gun


Climbing Club

10900 Euclid Ave
Cleveland Ohio 44106
United States