Homecoming 2023: The Sparties
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A spirited student tradition combined with an alumni reunion and parents & family weekend, Homecoming is designed for anyone and everyone affiliated with the university.
Homecoming offers a wide range of programming, from academic lectures to social gatherings. Whether you are alumni, parents/families, students, friends, faculty or staff, there is something for everyone. Visit our growing campus in thriving University Circle to revive relationships with community members and friends and relive what made you fall in love with Case Western Reserve University.
This year, CWRU's Homecoming theme is The Sparties! Similar to award shows such as The Oscars, various Spartie Awards will be given out to highly spirited and engaged individuals during Homecoming by the University Spirit Committee. View all Spartie Awards and when they'll be given out here!
Follow this link to read more about the history and significance of Homecoming at CWRU!
Browse the full list of Homecoming events happening here.
Past Events
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
This run starts at DiSanto Field, extends in and around campus and University Circle, and ends up back at DiSanto Field. All proceeds directly benefit a current undergraduate student at CWRU.
Registration is for anyone who wants to run the 5K or walk a mile around the CWRU campus and surrounding area. Event t-shirts are included in the price for those who register before September 30th.
Registration to get checked in for the 5K/mile walk opens at 7:30am on October 14th. The race begins at 8:30am for runners and mile walkers.
- Student Registration
- Non Student Registration
- General Donation
11:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Join the Class Officer Collective for food, games, live music, performances, giveaways, and more to celebrate the Homecoming game on October 14th! Food and merch are free for undergraduate students. All others including family who would like food will need to register on Alumni Q for the Spartie's Pregame Party 
We are celebrating the game this year with The Sparties, an award show-style event with live music and performances from local bands and clubs, free catering with vegetarian and vegan options to go, various giveaways, a Battle of the Classes, games, and more! There will be a silver carpet and photo backdrop for pictures, so make sure to dress up in all of your CWRU spirit merch!
The Spartie Awards will be presented during the tailgate, along with the Battle of the Classes award. The winner of Battle of the Classes will be determined by whichever class tags their class's COC Instagram account the most wearing their designated color on Thursday, October 12th, which are as follows:
Class of 2024: Blue (tag @coc_2024 on Insta)
Class of 2025: Grey (tag @coc.2025 on Insta)
Class of 2026: Black (tag @casecoc2026 on Insta)
Class of 2027: White (tag @cwrucoc2027 on Insta)
The tailgate will also feature a Swag Swap hosted by Student Activities & Leadership, so make sure to bring any CWRU shirt (washed) to swap with one they'll have at their tables!
Stay tuned for the full entertainment schedule.
We look forward to seeing you there!
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Join us at Di Santos Field during halftime for the Crowning of our Homecoming Royalty on October 14th.
Being Royalty for Homecoming means:
Demonstrating a strong connection to the CWRU experience through active participation, support for campus traditions, enhancement of school spirit and pride, celebration of classmates, and overall alignment with CWRU's core values.
This year's Homecoming Court is:
Vivek Aslot
Cameron Goodwin-Schoen
Viraj Gorthi
Germaine Harvey
Sedona Jolly
Veann Lee
Anjali Raju
Sara Ramaiah
Milana Sacco
Basil Yaseen
You can vote for the top three to be crowned royalty by using the link in the email sent out by your COC representatives.