From: Sasicha Gartenbush Date: October 15, 2024 Subject: CWRU Greek Life Newsletter
October 15th, 2024
This week in Greek News:
Hey everyone!! Hope you all are wrapping up on midterms and getting ready to enjoy fall break! There is so much happening on our campus, scroll down to find more events! Today, there is a GB meeting, the attire is business casual. Hope to see you there!
Have a great week everyone!!
Healthy Minds Study
The Healthy Minds Study (HMS) is a national online survey assessing students mental health and service utilization on college campuses. The anonymous and confidential information from this survey will be used to help us learn more about what services are currently used, needed or could help improve "supports" for CWRU students.
The survey will be open from September 23 to October 21st.
On September 23rd, all students received an email from Healthy Minds at University of Michigan (UMich) to their email account with a unique link to participate. The subject of the email will read: Announcing the Healthy Minds Study at Case Western Reserve University. The email may have also come from Dr. Sara Lee.
Participating in the study will not only make you eligible for one of the weighted blankets or Amazon gift cards we are raffling off, but it is also an opportunity to make your voice heard! The confidential information provided to faculty and administration from this study reflects students day-to-day experiences on campus, and provides insight into both your struggles and successes. This knowledge will be used to inform policy, practice, and funding for programs and services on campus, thus bettering student life. However, we cannot make these improvements without hearing from all of you. Please participate in the Healthy Minds Study before it closes and make your voice heard!
In addition, all students who participate in the study will be automatically entered into a sweepstakes for 1 of 2 $500 prizes or 1 of 10 $100 prizes. The drawing will be conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan School of Public Health in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the Fall of 2023. Winners will be notified by email and provided with information about how to collect the prize. In addition, UH&CS is also offering a raffle prize of a 30 minute massage from a One-to-One massage therapist. You could be one of ten winners for a massage.
2025 Capitol Hill Visits
The NIC is seeking outstanding campus and fraternity chapter leaders to participate in Capitol Hill Visits in Washington, D.C. this spring.
This is an outstanding professional development opportunity for fraternity men from your campus to:
meet directly with the men and women who serve in Congress;
advocate for the power of fraternity;
walk the halls of Congress with student leaders from across the country;
explore a career in politics and gain hands-on experience working to advance public policy and
network with national fraternity/sorority leaders and alumni working in D.C.
Selected students will participate in a day of training and meet with lawmakers and/or their staffs in Washington, D.C. from April 1-2, 2025, to advocate for government relations platforms* that support the fraternity and sorority experience.
Students will be notified of whether they were selected to participate in mid-January. If you have any questions about the legislative agenda, the application process or the 2025 FGRC Hill Visits, please email NIC Director of Advocacy, Dominic Frattura at
If you should desire a feature on the GreekLife Newsletter:
Email with any graphics you want to be included with a description of your event/initiative. Earlier submissions are more likely to be featured on time every week!