From: Interfraternity Congress/Panhellenic Council Date: May 8, 2024 Subject: Wellness Wednesday Newsletter
And now, the end is near
And so we face a spinal burden
Our friends, They've disappeared
I'll pack my case, I am determined
I've moved a bin that's full
Dismantled my room in a concise way
And more, much more than this
I'll move back in some day
Thank you to all of our amazing Greek Life students. We wish you well and safe travels this summer. Whether you are staying on campus or flying around the world, please know that the Greek Life Office will still be here and ready to welcome you back in August. This will be the last Wellness Wednesday Newsletter of the semester. We wish you the best in packing and have a very memorable summer!! Take care :)
Senior Shout Out
Do you know a graduating senior?
Do you want to give them a shout out?
Submit the form below to send some love, words of support, and funny pictures.
Form closes on May 13th at 5pm
Shout outs will be sent during senior week
~ Have a great rest of your semester!
1. Keep food safety in mind when grilling out or picnicking. Summertime is the peak season for food-borne illnesses.
2. Be careful with fireworks. Fireworks are a staple of summertime celebrations, but they can also be very dangerous.
3. Get plenty of rest and stay hydrated. It’s important to stay hydrated during summer, especially if you’re spending time outdoors in the heat.
4. Take advantage of summer fruits and vegetables. In-season produce is not only delicious but also more affordable. 5. Get moving! Summer is the perfect time to enjoy outdoor activities with family and friends.
6. Keep your skin protected from the sun. Too much sun exposure can lead to skin damage, so be sure to protect yourself when you’re spending time outdoors. 7. Be aware of summer hazards. Several things can pose a danger during summertime, from outdoor activities to swimming safety. 8. Don’t let bugs ruin your summer fun. Summertime means spending more time outdoors, which also means dealing with bugs. 9. Avoid getting sick. Summer vacation and traveling can leave you vulnerable to contracting the flu, COVID-19, or another condition. 10. Manage your health. School may be out for summer — but that doesn't mean you don't need to keep up with your health.
Senior Week 2024 Free Events
Thursday, May 9 at 5:00pm
to Friday, May 17 at 11:00pm
Senior Week is a time when graduating seniors get together for a week of fun and camaraderie. Events are organized by the Senior Week Committee, which is led by the Senior Class Officers and made up of students from the graduating class.
Senior Week will take place from Thursday, May 9th through Friday, May 17th.
Would you like to meet with the Confidential Student Advocate at the Flora Stone Mather Center? The Advocate will be holding drop-in meeting hours every other Tuesday throughout the semester.
If you would like to learn more about Advocacy Services, discuss a personal concern, or just want someone to talk to about Power-Based Violence, pop into the Flora Stone Mather Center between 3 and 6pm every other Tuesday.
Come join the university community in the celebration of completing your degree! Check-in begins at 2:30pm in the Thwing Center Ballroom and receive your FREE TSHIRT! At 2:45pm, graduates will be lined up to participate in the walk to the convocation ceremony and be "clapped out" along the path by the university community! Following the convocation ceremony, student faculty and staff are encouraged to attend the Spartan Sendoff celebration on Freiberger Field where free food, free drinks and entertainment will be provided. It is the start to your graduation celebration that should not be missed!!!
Submit up to 10 photos to be considered for inclusion in the Convocation slideshow.
Get Your Veggie & Fruit Plants Here!
The University Farm will be selling an array of vegetable, fruit, herb, medicinal and flower plants for your garden this year!
Feeling like you need professional help to improve your physical, social, mental, sexual, academic, or spiritual wellness? There are staff on-campus always willing to help. Click or call today to learn more from our campus partners at Case Western Reserve University.