From: Maya Kapur
Date: October 9, 2023
Subject: Minority Clerkship Program - Job Opportunity

Hi everyone, 

Happy Monday! I wanted to share an important upcoming event with you all, specifically for the 1Ls who may be searching for summer positions!

The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association runs a Minority Clerkship Program every year, where they allow law students from minority groups to apply and interview for clerkships at a multitude of locations! These include but aren't limited to; The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, the Cleveland Public Defender's Office, Reminger LPA, Hahn Loeser LLP, and more! 

This is an amazing program, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested. I personally landed my summer internship for last summer through this program! Please email me with any questions you have on the MCP or summer jobs!

Here is the information for the program:
CMBA Minority Clerkship Program Information Session - 1Ls!
Monday, October 16, 12pm - 1pm, Room 157

Come learn about the CMBA Minority Clerkship Program, which provides invaluable, real-work work experience at local law firms, corporations, government agencies, and service organizations to talented minority first-year law students here at Case Western Reserve School of Law. The presenters will talk about the program, application process, and answer questions.  Lunch is provided.
Presenters: Greg Guice of Reminger Co. LPA, and Gabrielle "Gabe" Kelly of ABA Insurance.

Best wishes, 

Maya Kapur, President
& The SALSA Executive Board