From: Krystal Lee Date: October 14, 2019 Subject: GSC Newsletter | October 14, 2019
Hi First_Name,
Volunteer at the Beach Brook 5K Race
Become a GSC Volunteer! We are currently looking for volunteers to be at the Beech Brook 5K Race & Family Fun Run/Walk in Pepper Pike on October 20th. Volunteering entails running game stations and face painting (you do not have to run!). There is a need for roughly 1-2 volunteers from 8 am to 10:30 am. This opportunity would help graduate students get away from campus, get active outside, and be able to get to know their fellow graduate students! Net Proceeds to Benefit Beech Brook: Bringing Hope to Children and Families Since 1852
Drag Show @ Cosmic Dave's!
The event will take place at Cosmic Dave's Subs on Campus (11310 Juniper Road) 8-11pm Show @ 9pm. Come out for a fun night full of drag, free drinks, and free fried snacks! The entrance fee is $5 and all proceeds go to the Trevor Project! Sponsored by the Director of Diversity and Inclusion of GSC.
Call for proposals: 2020 Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee is now accepting funding requests for programs in honor of the 2020 MLK Celebration. Students, staff and faculty members may apply for co-sponsorships (from $100-$2,000) to support speakers, films, exhibits, workshops, receptions, lunches, field trips or other programs that uplift the theme "North Star: Illuminating the Path to Change" or are connected to keynote speaker Khalil Gibran Muhammad's address, "Diversity is Not Enough: How Bias Education Makes Us Smarter, Fairer, and Kinder" Proposal deadline: Friday, October 25, 2019. Submit online to
45th Annual Cleveland Symposium: Visualizing Sound & Silence in Art & Architecture
The Cleveland Symposium is led entirely by graduate students in the Case Western Reserve University and The Cleveland Museum of Art Joint Program, and is one of the oldest graduate art history student symposia in the nation. This year it will take take place in the Cleveland Museum of Art Recital Hall on Friday, October 25th from 11am to 8pm. The symposium will include presentations from eight graduate student speakers as well as the keynote lecture being given by Dr. Vincent Debiais (EHESS). His lecture, titled "The Angel in the Square: Silence in Medieval Images," will take place at 5:30pm and will be followed by a reception in the Cleveland Museum of Art Banquet Hall.
Introducing our Executive Board Member
Hi, everyone! My name is Shalanda Renee Plowden and I am a 2L at CWRU School of Law. My focus is an international business and I plan on practicing at a firm, but I would like to branch out into politics in the future. Something interesting about me is that I recently joined the university's jazz ensemble and I will be playing the drum set. Also, I love to sing, dance, and make music in my free time. I also love to draw.
Intellectual Salon: Women's Health and Evolution
All women earning doctorates are invited to the WISHED Intellectual Salon: Women's Health and Evolution on Wednesday, October 16th at the Cleveland Natural History Museum. Dr. Nicole Burt, curator of Human Health & Evolutionary Medicine, will present on her research in women's health followed by a self guided tour.
Kevin Hines: Cracked Not Broken
Kevin Hines, mental health advocate, global speaker, best-selling author and documentary filmmaker will be coming to speak at CWRU on Tuesday, October 29th. This event will be held at Linsalata Alumni Center from 5 to 7pm. This event is open to all CWRU, CIA, CIM students, faculty and staff. Please register at
On October 20th, graduate students have the wonderful opportunity to volunteer at the Brook Fall 5K in Pepper Pike. Volunteering entails running game stations and face painting. There is a need for roughly 15 volunteers from 8 am to 2 pm. This opportunity would help graduate students get away from campus, get active outside, and be able to get to know their fellow graduate students!
Come enjoy an open bar, some tasty fried munchies, and a drag show to boot! The cover fee is $5 and all proceeds go to the Trevor Project. Event goes from 8-11pm and the show starts at 9!