If you need to speak or meet with an advisor outside of our advising hours, please send an email to international@case.edu to schedule an appointment. Please provide your full-name and a brief description of the nature of your appointment when you contact us.
Fall Break- ISS is Open!
While we hope you'll be resting and relaxing over Fall Break (October 21-22), please know that ISS will be open and available during regular Advising Hours if you need us.
Traveling During Fall Break?
Read up on how to be best prepared to take those Fall Break getaways and return to campus!
Cleveland's West Side Market is home to more than 100 vendors of great ethnic diversity, providing fine meats, fresh vegetables, seafood, baked goods, cheese and more!
Visit one of Cleveland's most famous destinations and sample some of the food that makes it so special!
This event will be free for CWRU students to attend, however, space is limited so registration is required! Registration will open in October.
Meet us at the Ohio City RTA station at 11:00 am.
The tour will last approximately an hour, and you can return to campus whenever you choose.