From: Michelle Gotto
Date: January 13, 2023
Subject: RTA Bus Pass Distribution - Spring 2023
During the spring 2022 semester, Graduate Student Council (GSC) worked with student government presidents from each school as well as GSC General Assembly representatives to organize the vote on the RTA pass for public transportation. These student leaders voted for an “all-in” RTA pass for graduate and professional students (with a few exceptions). This vote was shared in the GSC Newsletter on April 11, 2022.
The “all-in” approach allows for a reduced price charged to CWRU students providing unlimited access to public transportation in the Cleveland area. Students pay $60 per semester in the 2022-2023 school year and $65 per semester in the 2023-2024 school year. An RTA Transportation Fee will be automatically billed each semester on a student’s financial account in the Student Information System (SIS).
Exclusions from the RTA fee are allowed for graduate and professional students taking fully remote classes or graduate and professional students with academic activities, such as instruction, research, etc., outside of Cuyahoga County.
For students assessed a RTA fee that have academic activities, such as instruction, research, etc., outside of Cuyahoga County, they may petition to waive the RTA fee by completing a Campus Group form (link available here). The form must be received by January 27, 2023. Access Services will process the request and respond directly with the student.
Graduate and professional students in the CAS may pick up the Spring RTA pass sticker from CAS staff at the following times and locations:
Tuesday, Jan 17: 9 am - 12pm Guilford House Parlor
Wednesday, Jan 18: 12pm - 3pm Guilford House Parlor
Thursday, Jan 19: 12 pm - 3 pm Crawford 13A
Friday, Jan 20 9 am -12 pm Crawford 13A
Students must be registered for Spring classes before an RTA sticker is issued - please allow at least 24 hours after registration to pick up an RTA sticker. Designated CAS staff will place the sticker on the student’s Case ID card. Students unable to get their stickers in the above listed time may email Emily Curto at in the Dean’s office to schedule a time to receive their sticker.
For additional information on the RTA pass program, please visit the Access Services website, including a list of FAQs, or contact