Fall 2022

CWRU Climate Action Week

The second Climate Action Week at Case Western Reserve University was September 24-October 1. Email climateactionweek@case.edu for more info.

Yard signs were  posted around campus and we're working to link to them here.

Many events were held, archive coming here soon...

Sep 9 | 1:00pm - Sep 28 | 1:00pm

Climate Action Month Book Club

We will be reading: Not the End of the World: How We Can be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet By: Hannah Ritchie Books are provided!

(Sign in to see the location)

Oct 1 | 6:30pm - 9:00pm

"What We Do To Nature, We Do To Ourselves": Film & Discussion on Moving Toward Right Relationship with Our Food, Nature and Each Other

To kick off the first day of CWRU's Climate Action Month, please join us for a screening of "What We Do To Nature, We Do To Ourselves," on Tuesday, October 1st at 6:30 PM at the Strosacker Auditorium on the Case Western Reserve University Campus. There will be a talk back after the film with opportunities to ask questions and engage with local farmers and advocates featuring: Ryan Bennett, Food Programming Coordinator, CWRU Farm; Kelly Clark, Working Well Farm; Damien Forshe, Co-Founder, Rid-All; Tish O'Dell, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) Consulting Director & OHCRN Board Member. Tickets are free, but you must register to attend. Refreshments will be provided courtesy of the CWRU Office of Local Government and Community Relations. The event is also in partnership and supported by CWRU Climate Action Network, CWRU Office of Energy & Sustainability, Working Well Farm and the Cuyahoga County Board of Health. Artist Andrea Bowers created a dual-location art show in Cleveland, on the Rights of Nature & the Great Lakes entitled “Exist, Flourish, Evolve” which ran through May 26, 2024, at the Cleveland Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) & Great Lakes Science Center (GLCS). This exhibit included her documentary, "What We Do To Nature, We Do To Ourselves." The inspiration for the documentary came from the passage of the Lake Erie Bill of Rights in 2019 by voters in Toledo, Ohio and the shutdown of the community’s water for 3 days after a toxic algae bloom caused by industrial agriculture in NW Ohio. Andrea’s art inspired CELDF to host a “Truth, Reckoning, and Right Relationship with the Great Lakes," at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the fall of 2023 and then followed up in April of 2024, with "Right Relationship with Lake Erie, Nature, and Each Other." Participants included doctors, lawyers, indigenous activists, educators, students, religious practitioners, artists, environmental regulators, and community activists – young and old -- to deconstruct the ill-health of the Great Lakes, and the world at large. As a result this full-length documentary was created as a means to inform and generate honesty, and move away from systems and legal structures that do not protect nature or ourselves. The film explores how to move towards a new system, grounded in "right relationship" with water, food, nature, and each other. CELDF has released each testimony from the event in their Truth & Reckoning Playlist https://youtube.com/@theceldf?si=pbORU6WNDHpRHqFe so they can be shared and used to help others reflect as well. For more information, contact CELDF at https://celdf.org/contact/ Visit CELDF at https://celdf.org/ to learn more about Rights of Nature. Support CELDF at https://celdf.org/donate/

Strosacker Auditorium

Oct 12 | 11:00am - 2:00pm

Developing People, Power, and Partnership: A CWRU & Community Conversation on Climate

Come join us at the East Cleveland Public Library for a day of learning and discussion about climate change! This in-person event will bring together members of the community and CWRU to share ideas and take action towards a more sustainable future. We hope to to kick off a long-standing engagement between CWRU and our neighboring communities. We will discuss environmental justice for our local Black community and our collective future. We will also be joined by guest speaker Simone Lightfoot, a leading expert on environmental legislation.

(Sign in to see the location)