Reading and Comprehension Resources

  • K5 Learning

    This site has a few practice worksheets designed for students from Kindergarten to Grade 5.

  • Khan Academy

    This organization has resources for reading and designed for students from Grade 2 to Grade 9.

  • IXL

    This website has worksheets and activities to complete from Pre-K to Grade 12. The website has multiple topics on English grammar and is a great resource to use when tutoring.

  • English Club

    This site has multiple reading exercises and worksheets designed to help the 4 language skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.

  • Agenda Web

    This site has pdf worksheets for reading comprehension. The site is divided into three levels: Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced levels.

  • 15 Worksheets

    This site has multiple free worksheets available to you ranging in various topics from reading, writing, grammar, math, etc. Each topic contains 15 worksheets and is a great resource to use when tutoring.