Tutor Spotlights

Here are our top tutors from the past school year, and some things they would like to say:

Joy On

"My student is the sweetest kid who deserves the world, but things beyond his control make learning difficult for him, including learning disabilities and ADHD. Seeing him struggle so much to keep up with his peers in the school environment and how much love and effort his family puts into trying to help him succeed puts in the forefront of my mind how many children like him are out there, why accessible tutoring is significant in their lives"

Ervin Abbeyquaye

"I am very grateful for the opportunity to assist students like me nationwide on problem subjects. The main thing I have learned from tutoring is the importance of patience and flexibility. I believe the goal of a tutor is to be a supplemental tool and to present a different perspective on materials taught in school. For this process to work, it is extremely important to guide the student slowly and gently through an assignment/lesson, reminding yourself about the experience of learning that specific topic for the first time. All in all, I enjoy tutoring and I see myself doing this for a long time."

Sierra Sadri

"One of the first things I saw when I moved to Cleveland was the massive wealth inequality. Near the school campus, all the buildings and roads are pristine. But once you leave the bubble, reality strikes, showing how those with less money live. College is not cheap, and it is devastating to imagine some of the people living right next to the campus will never get to go there, simply because of the price. But it is not just college in which wealthy people have a leg up; schools in poorer communities receive less funding, leading them to struggle hiring teachers and purchasing learning material. This causes full classes, so students get less tailored help from the teachers. Tutoring can massively bolster their abilities, by helping them with those skills. Allowing underprivileged students to get access to free tutoring is an amazing service - I was very happy to find Learn to Be."