The UDC Finance Committee
The Finance Committee develops the UDC's annual budget, maintains the financial records of the UDC member organizations, and supports and assists organizations in developing their semester budgets. The Finance Committee works with the Vice President of Finance to approve mass funding, rolling funding, reallocation requests, and reimbursements.
Finance Committee Contact Information
Ashley Grieder Jacobs, Vice President of Finance | Email:
Sofia Castro, Treasurer | Email:
Mass Funding
A guide to completing Mass Funding in CampusGroups can be found here.
The presentation from VP Calderon can be found here.
Finance Committee Meetings
The UDC Finance Committee meets weekly unless noted otherwise. These meetings are open and any member of the student body is able to sit in on these meetings, with the exception of closed meetings. All minutes from these meetings can be provided upon request.
Time Commitment: 2 hours per week; except during Mass Funding
Finance Committee Minutes
Contact the current VP for a request of the meeting minutes.