Executive Board

Jonathan Burton Profile

Jonathan Burton

Risk Manager
Karissa Garnache Profile

Karissa Garnache

Shreya Girish Profile

Shreya Girish

April Li Profile

April Li

Tej Moradia Profile

Tej Moradia

Joselyn Puma Profile

Joselyn Puma

Kathryn Daltorio Profile

Kathryn Daltorio

Priyanka Agochiya Profile

Priyanka Agochiya

Daven Sarikonda Profile

Daven Sarikonda



We recognize our members for their contributions, and just being the cool people that they are. Whether they're out there mentoring, volunteering, or building a wood field, they're changing the face of FIRSTÔôç in the WOW region. Members, there are too many of you to recognize individually, but you know who you are!

Keep paying it forward!


Our partners make it possible for us to do what we do. We extend a sincere "thank you" to each of them.