About General Body

Representatives from every community council on campus meet weekly to discuss issues that affect all residents on campus. We also discuss advertising, giving guidance, and funding different projects across campus that we determine will benefit our residents. As a member, you will also be expected to attend committee meetings, which meet weekly, immediately following GB. In these meetings, we plan and advertise different events, initiatives, and ideas to try and make CWRU a more fun, safe, and engaging campus.

General body members work on the campus-wide initiatives and programs hosted by RHA. Each year, RHA hosts Res-Hall Rendezvous, an event that allows undergraduate students to visit and learn about the residence halls they will be living in the following year, along with programs like Love Where You Live Week, which encourages students of CWRU to not only show pride for the residence hall they live in as well as appreciate the culture and opportunities surrounding campus in wider Cleveland.

Participating in RHA as a general body member allows networking opportunities with leaders from different communities and class years, as well as the ability to participate in discussions on issues pertaining to the campus as a whole. It allows you to dive in deeper to leadership opportunities, advocate for the students you represent, and help them love where they are living.

If you are interested in becoming a member and want to know more please reach out to our Executive President Cameron Tong (cjt82@case.edu). If you know you want to join our General Body, see below to find out what option best fits you.

House Representative

House Representatives have all of the same commitments and expectations as a community council representative, as well as some additional responsibilities as they are elected by the residents of the building they represent. House Reps form a coalition of representatives from different class years and residential communities to more broadly represent residents across campus.

Check the roster to see if your building is missing a House Representative position. If so, email your Council President and RHA's Executive President about getting involved and filling that position!

At-Large Member

At-Large Representatives are undergraduate students who reside in the residence halls. They shall serve as voting members of the General Body and perform other duties as the Executive Board sees fit. Resident Assistants may apply to be RHA At-Large members and represent the interests of the residents they may support.

Click here to apply for this position.

Emeritus Member

Emeritus Members are undergraduate students who no longer reside in the residence halls. They must have served at least one semester as a voting member of RHA. They shall serve as non-voting members of the General Body and perform other duties as the Executive Board sees fit.

Click here to apply for this position.