Upperclass Community Council

The Upperclass Community Council represents the buildings that primarily house upperclassmen: the Village, Stephanie Tubbs Jones House, Hazel, Triangle Towers, and the Property Management Apartments. This council is the largest in RHA, representing nearly 1400 students.

Email: rha-ucc@case.edu

Shubham Choudhary


Sofia Castillo


Kevin Chae

Hazel House Representative

Tony Baez

Village Representative

Heena Dave

Village Representative

Isabella Lugo

Village Representative

Harsh Thakore

Village Representative

Robert Boyce

Community  Representative

Kurt Drath

Community Representative

Calvin Ketterl

Community Representative

Sara Kong

Community Representative

Silmi Maredia

Community Representative

Amani Mudavadi

Community Representative

Chukwononso Onranyeli

Community Representative

Dhruv Raman

Community  Representative

Trilok Stead

Community  Representative

Willem Van Asselt

Community  Representative

Thomas Lipker
