
  • Philosophy and Approach

    We believe in the power of shared accountability through restorative practices and its impact on community-building and effective self-governance.

    The Interfraternity Congress (IFC) and Panhellenic Council (PHC) Joint Judicial Board (JJB) is a diverse group of Greek members who educate and hold the Greek community accountable to collective standards and values. We aim to create a positive and restorative environment while maintaining the integrity of the community by helping chapters align their actions with these standards and values.

    We accomplish this by working with chapters to understand and to implement restorative practices as it relates to their formal and informal accountability structures within their organization. We believe internal individual and chapter accountability is the most critical aspect in upholding the values and mission of each Greek Chapter. In the event that chapters fail to hold themselves accountable, our board will review and investigate any allegations related to organizational conduct and decide the most appropriate channel of accountability. The processes used by our board are outlined in detail below. Using these methods, we seek to pinpoint evolving trends in our community and work with the chapter to help them address the issue at hand.

    The IFC/PHC JJB works collaboratively with the university to address alleged policy violations of the Code of Student Conduct. The IFC/PHC JJB is given authority by the university to address cases related to university policy as well as policies outlined in the IFC/PHC constitution and bylaws. The degree to which IFC/PHC is able to hear violations of the Code of Student Conduct is related to the severity of the alleged violation as well as the past history of the chapter involved. If an alleged violation is referred to the Office of Student Conduct, members of the IFC/PHC JJB serve as representatives on the hearing board. It is important to note that the IFC/PHC JJB process does not have jurisdiction to address cases related to sexual misconduct. Any violation related to Title IX will be referred to the Office of Equity. Throughout this process, the IFC/PHC JJB and Office of Greek Life work to partner with the chapters' National Organization, where applicable, to work in concert in investigating and addressing the alleged policy violations. The IFC/PHC JJB judicial process as well as an outline of jurisdiction is detailed below. Our collaboration with these entities to address alleged violations is critical in facilitating long-term cultural change within chapters and Greek Life overall.

    We ask for all members of the CWRU community to assist us in achieving a culture of community accountability. If you become aware of something that you believe is wrong or may be wrong, we support you in being a proactive bystander. In addition to that action and/or if you are not able to act, please report it to the IFC/PHC JJB. In order for us to achieve progress and true accountability we must be aware of these incidents; we must receive information in order to take action ourselves. We cannot do this alone and thank you for taking a step towards a just resolution and being a part of this community's progress.

  • Title IX Notice of Nondiscrimination

    Case Western Reserve University prohibits sex- and gender-based discrimination in its education programs and activities, as well as retaliation for asserting the right to be free from such discrimination, in accordance with federal law, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681). Sex- and gender-based discrimination includes discrimination based on sex, pregnancy, parental status, gender identity or expression, transgender identity, and sexual orientation. Sex- or gender-based discrimination also includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, sex-based stalking, sexual exploitation, and dating violence or domestic violence.

    The Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equity is responsible for implementing the policy prohibiting sex- and gender-based discrimination. Anyone impacted by sex- or gender-based discrimination, or who knows of others impacted by sex- or gender-based discrimination, and who would like to report discrimination or seek support for themselves or others, may contact the Title IX Coordinator by telephone, email, text message, or in person during regular business hours, or through the online Office of Equity forms below.

    The Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equity is responsible for implementing the policy prohibiting sex- and gender-based discrimination. Anyone impacted by sex- or gender-based discrimination, or who knows of others impacted by sex- or gender-based discrimination, and who would like to report discrimination or seek support for themselves or others, may contact the Title IX Coordinator by telephone, email, text message, or in person during regular business hours, or through the online Office of Equity forms below.

    • Title IX Coordinator: Rachel E. Lutner
    • Main Office Phone: 216.368.3066
    • Text or Call Title IX Coordinator: 216.327.4160
    • Campus Location: Nursing Research Building, Suite 1180
    • 2120 Cornell Road, Cleveland, OH 44106
    • Mailing Address: 10900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106-7108


    More information and resources

  • Community Expectations & Standards

    The minimum expectations and requirements that Greek chapters must meet in order to be in good standing with Interfraternity Congress and Panhellenic Council.

    Community Expectations

    Community expectations are required programming and attendance to a variety of events that fall under the required officers each chapter should have updated in MyChapter (Recruitment, Risk Management, Finance/Housing, Community Standards, Service & Philanthropy, DEI, Scholarship).

    Community Expectations are as follows:

    • Attendance at ALL Recruitment, Risk Manager, Service and Philanthropy, DEI, and Scholarship meetings/roundtables
    • Attendance at ALL President’s Meetings
    • Attendance at ALL General Body Meetings
    • Updated rosters (Officers, New Members, and Active Members)

    Community Standards

    Community Standards is a set of mandatory submissions that the Interfraternity Congress and Panhellenic Council at CWRU require chapters to complete to ensure that chapters are consistently growing and meeting the minimum criteria of being an active Greek Chapter on campus. The overall purpose is to build organizations which produce members of character, integrity, leadership, and who practice citizenship through careful attention to the pillars of the Greek community.

    How it works:

    • There are a total of 17 submissions to make for the year. Each submission has details on what is required.
    • Attendance percentages are calculated based on the number of active members and new members in the chapter at the time of the event.
    • There are 4 feedback deadlines throughout the year: two in the spring, and two in the fall. The exact dates are posted on the Canvas. The final deadline (no feedback) is the last day of class in the fall semester.
    • The weekend after a feedback deadline, the Associate Justices and VPAs will grade submissions that have been submitted up to that point.
    • CS are divided into 3 categories: Operations, Developmental Areas, and Extra Credit.

  • Judicial Board

    There are three judicial boards: Panhellenic Judicial Board (P.J.B.), Interfraternity Judicial Board (I.F.J.B.), Joint Judicial Board (J.J.B.)

    Panhellenic Judicial Board

    • PHC VP of Administration serves as Chief Justice
    • 10 Associate Justices voted on by the community, with one serving as Senior Justice
    • At least 5 Associate Justices are needed to hold a meeting
    • Authority over alleged infractions of the PHC Bylaws, PHC Constitution, PHC Recruitment Rules

    Interfraternity Judicial Board

    • IFC VP of Administration serves as Chief Justice
    • 10 Associate Justices voted on by the community, with one serving as Senior Justice
    • At least 5 Associate Justices are needed to hold a meeting
    • Authority over alleged infractions of the IFC Bylaws, IFC Constitution, IFC Recruitment Rules

    Joint Judicial Board

    • PHC or IFC VP of Administration may serve as Chief Justice
    • All Associate Justices of P.J.B. and I.F.J.B. may serve on J.J.B
    • At least 5 Associate Justices are needed to hold a meeting
    • Authority over alleged infractions of the Constitution, Bylaws, NIC Alcohol & Drug Guidelines, unsportsmanlike conduct, damages to physical spaces, University Housing Policies, failure to meet the Community Expectations & Standards