Interested in joining a sorority? All chapters, except Sigma Lambda Gamma, participate in Primary Recruitment, which is a more structured process where students can visit the 8 (9 for STEM majors) sororities that participate in Primary Recruitment. Sorority membership is open to non-male identifying undergraduate students. Primary Recruitment will take place January 18th, 19th, 25th, and 26th with Bid Day on January 27th. Plan for the whole day, but there will be breaks in schedules for lunch and study/relaxation time.
Registration is open: Register Now. There is no cost to sign up. Registration will close January 16th, 2025 at 12:00 PM. Recruitment Orientation January 15th, 2025 at 5:30 PM.
- January 18th - Panhellenic: Meet 8 (or 9) chapters
- January 19th - Philanthropy: Return to 7 chapters
- Janaury 25th - Sisterhood: Return to 5 chapters
- January 26th - Preference: Return to 2 chapters
- January 27th - Bid Day: Visit the Greek Life Office during the day to learn more about the bid; In the evening there will be a celebration and chapters will host Bid Day afterwards
Take a look at the CWRU Panhellenic Instagram to learn more about our 10 sororities.
For those interested in Sigma Lambda Gamma and are not registering for Primary Recruitment, complete the Spring 2025 Interest and Grade Release Form. The Primary Recruitment Registration serves as the Grade Release Form for those participating in that process.