Finance Committee

Committee Mission

The Finance Committee provides for and maintains the recognition of student organizations and clubs, allocates funding to recognized student organizations, furnishes methods by which student organizations can utilize allocated funds, ensures student organizations maintain standards for recognized status, maintains the USG’s monetary account as well as the monetary accounts of recognized student organizations, serves as the communication channel between the USG and student organizations, and prepares and maintains a budget for the USG.

Meeting Information

Wednesdays 8:00 - 9:30PM in the second floor conference room in Tink

Finance Committee Bylaws

To schedule an appointment to establishing a new student organization, please reach out to VP of Finance.

Contact Information

Get in touch with the Finance Committee by emailing either the Vice President (  or the Treasurers (

Vice President

Hannah Song


Jin Kim

Bhavya Bansal

Tolga Feran

Daezy Ezeogo-Enwo

Carson Gearding

Committee Members

Anika Regan

College of Arts and Science Representative

Chris Sun

College of Arts and Science Representative

Gabriella Kanallakan

College of Arts and Science Representative

Max Goldenson

College of Arts and Science Representative

Elizabeth Krutell

School of Engineering Representative

Anjali Agnihotram

School of Engineering Representative

Zoë Fernandez

Weatherhead School of Management Representative

Ryan Choi

First Year Representative

Jaden Kok

First Year Representative

Shiv Nagajothi

First Year Representative

Alexa Marie Ong

First Year Representative

Ethan Pryztulski

First Year Representative

Patrick Suryanarayan

First Year Representative

Umair Vaseemuddin

First Year Representative