Swipe Out Hunger

Collecting and distributing meal swipes to combat food insecurity at CWRU

Apply For Swipes Here

Our Goal

Swipe Out Hunger is a subcommittee in the Undergraduate Student Government that offers undergraduate students the ability to donate meal swipes to those in need. Our subcommittee meets regularly to coordinate swipe drives and collaborates with the Dean of Students Office and Auxiliary Services to distribute collected swipes to students.

Our Program

Every semester, we work to improve the three key pillars of our program: collection, identification, and distribution.

Swipe Collection

Swipe Out Hunger holds 'swipe drives' to collect meal swipe donations.  The date of the Fall 2023 Swipe Drive will be announced soon.


Our PR managers and the Dean of Students' office reach out to students through a variety of methods to identify those most in need of meal swipes, and how we can best aid them in the future.


Through collaboration with Auxiliary Services Swipe out Hunger will provide meal swipes to students in need of aid.