Initiative Tracker

CommitteeDate of UpdateInitiativeEmail AddressContact
Public Relations05/09/2020COVID-19 ResponseUSG has worked immensely to help implement administrative changes as a result of COVID-19, including extending the P/NP deadline until after finals, changing residence hall belonging removal policy, and more. For more info please take a look at the COVID-19 folder in the USG Public Access Google Drive COVID-19
Finance2/27/2020Finding alternative sources of funding for engineering clubsMet with Mindy Baierl in Corporate Relations and we discussed moving forward with a fund for engineering experiential learning. We will start work with the co-op office and the career center to iron out details around April. Reached out to all USG engineering clubs to gather additional
Student Life2/26/2020Restructuring Nursing shuttles routeLooking to downsize the long, 40-person shuttles to smaller ones so it can make turns/destinations to students' desired
Finance2/25/2020Finding alternative sources of funding for engineering clubsMet with Case Aeronautics Team, Case Rocket Team, CWRU MedWish, Engineers without Borders/Humanitarian Design Corps, Global Health Design Collaborative, Society of Women Engineers, Robotics Club, American Society of Civil Engineers year to
Diversity & Inclusion2/24/2020Expansion of the Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Program by CWRU PoliceCommunication initiated with Cpl Pattie Cannonreb155
Academic Affairs2/20/2020Extending allotted inactive time on KSL desktop computersSpoked to Provost Hirshon at
Public Relations2/19/2020Twitter revamp, USGxARK, USG websiteJust
Public Relations2/18/2020Collab with ARK and PRI have met with ARK president we are going to make presentation and present our initiative at
Public Relations2/17/2020Facebook Event PlannerMaking an event/announcement for the DOSA study
Public Relations2/17/2020Club SpotlightInterest forms have been sent out to the general student body. First set of talks to be scheduled in the week of 02/16 - 02/
Diversity & Inclusion2/17/2020Caucus Reform preparing ppt to bring to GA abt caucus reform
Public Relations2/10/2020YouTubeI am meeting with my partners to discuss a plan of action on the 12th of
Public Relations2/10/2020Updating/Improving the Facebook PageI have just been invited to edit the Facebook page. I am planning on seeing what specific changes I must make on the
Public Relations2/10/2020Connect With Student OrgsHave done multiple collab Feedback Fridays with student orgs, post many club events in USG newsletter and as Instagram stories now, and will meet/schedule bonding with other SPR
Public Relations2/10/2020PR Office HoursScheduled them for 2 hours each week in office to connect with students more. Hope to PR them to students more + increase student interest in
Public Relations2/10/2020Other USG Outreach EventsCame up with idea of a Feedback Friday with ice cream in Tink ballroom. Need to plan details and execute. Will make us more fun/less serious to
Student Life2/4/2020Food SubcommitteeHad a food forum on 2/3 with VP Jamieson, following up on action
Diversity & Inclusion 2/3/2020Elimination of Caucus System Made presentation for GA for Phase 1 of Caucus Elimination
Academic Affairs2/1/2020SIS work study jobsContacted administrator in charge of SIS, said she would put me in touch with UTech administrators who would be able to help
Student Life2/1/2020Getting greenies on a public schedule to make them more reliable.The next step is to meet with admin to figure out logistics for this initiative (Nikhil Madugula - nxm402)
Student Life2/1/2020Food Subcommittee - Food ForumsFood Forums held Mondays 7:30-8:30 with admin and RHA atleast 3 times a semester. Feedback from students collected, brainstormed solutions and agendas for each forum made in advance.
Diversity & Inclusion2/1/2020Free Store Picking up the initiative from the previous vice president. Meeting set to see why admin is holding off on
Academic Affairs2/1/2020Course Free TransparencyAwaiting previous SIS related resolution to be implemented. However, spoke to Dean's and FSCUE leader about concerns and
Academic Affairs2/1/2020Increase Mediavision usage in engineering classesMeeting with Coleen on action steps and correct admin to reach out to
Academic Affairs2/1/2020Academic pardons/extensions for full-time students with 1 or more jobs- Had a meeting with Dean Wolkowitz where he opposed the initiative strongly - Written a proposal to further push initiative and is working with Sophie and Bids to get feedback nrs86
Academic Affairs1/31/2020Extending allotted computer time for desktops in KSL, clarifying process for how to drop a classComputers - almost done, dropping class - planning/in progress (Shivika Aggarwal -sxa767)
Finance1/28/2020Finding alternative sources of funding for engineering clubsMet with Donovan Young at the Office of Corporate Relations and discussed current initiatives he is working on as well as potential action steps moving forward. (Riki Motoyama
Finance1/21/2020Finding alternative sources of funding for engineering clubsMet with the Case Alumni Association to discuss the financial needs of engineering clubs and possible solutions. (Riki Motoyama -
Diversity & Inclusion 11/18/2019Including Mandated Reporter status in SyllabiBenchmarking, going to email Bidisha (VP Academic Affairs)
Diversity & Inclusion11/18/2019Addressing Food Insecurity Had a meeting with the Dean of Students, Auxiliary Services, and Bon Appetit to discuss addressing food insecurity on campus. We are planning on creating actions steps to creating long term plans to address food insecurity. Meeting with Director of OMA to discuss the future of Swipe Out Hunger.
Academic Affairs11/5/2019Course FeesWorking on a presentation to present to the Faculty Senate Committee for Undergraduate Education to acquire feedback from the faculty and administrative level (Committee Initiative - bxr192)bxr192
Diversity & Inclusion11/4/2019Donating Meal SwipesSet up Food Insecurity Taskforce meeting, meeting with dean patterson, met with naomi to discuss future of initiative, visiting food pantry at csusns118
Student Life11/4/2019University Food CommitteeFood committe 2019-2020 formed. Meeting dates set. Agendas discussedsxm1093
Diversity & Inclusion11/4/2019Zero Balance Policy PetitionSonia and I met with Venus and Kathryn Schmidt this week and decided to send more reminders through thrive and usg newsletters for tuition payment before course registration. sxs1989
Diversity & Inclusion11/4/2019Guide to Financial InsecurityChecking in with members of task force to hear about their progressjxc1236
Public Relations11/4/2019USG InstagramIncreased following by over 100%. Posting on feed and stories over double the rate of the prior yearabg72
Public Relations11/4/2019NewsletterCurrently evolving - now has new design, colors, etc and includes club events for the following weekabg72
Public Relations11/4/2019Feedback FridayGoing partially paperless. Want to emphasize usage of QR codes and computers. Will also have designated speakers to go into classes each week and speak in order to gain feedback from the student body and go to them rather than force them to come to us.abg72
Student Life11/4/2019Handling of religious food at leutner There has been a lot of work on either creating a new station for vegetarian students along with having color coded utensils for vegetarian food. (Harshita Kumar- hxk613)hxk613
Student Life11/4/2019Better Nutritional Information The dietitian has rechecked all labels at the food halls. There has also been increased training about portion sizes for the staff and a clearer labeling method has been implemented (Harshita Kumar- hxk613)hxk613
Diversity & Inclusion10/28/2019International Student State IDContacted Mar Maggio in International Student Services to get key information placed in international student weekly newsletter (Sienna - sxw658)sxw658
Student Life10/28/2019Meal Plan ImprovementsMet With Bon App, Had the Observer pass information out to Students, Got a meal cost breakdown from Case Admin, Plan to meet VP Stark sxm1093
Diversity & Inclusion10/14/2019Closed Captions for Media VisionI am meeting with UTech again after fall break to check the progress of media vision captions. sxs1989
Diversity & Inclusion10/14/2019First-Generation Student AdvocacyI am meeting with Mr. Mason on Friday, October 25th to go over concerns regarding summer class registration and first year students. I sent a survey to the president of first CWRU to send to the members of that organizations and they will be filling it out so I have some data to show Mr. Mason.wme9
Diversity & Inclusion10/14/2019Donating Meal SwipesWorking on an initiative to get students out to campus events using Campus groups. Including non athletes to help build spirit. (David Dolansky dcd56) Planning donation of meal swipesdcd56
Public Relations9/24/2019Improve USG Outreach to RHAI met with RHA's President Doug Spizarny. In process of planning a joint Exec and then a USG visit to RHA GB's (Alex Gould - abg72)abg72
Public Relations9/24/2019Initiative SpotlightsBringing them back starting now. Expect to see videos featuring different USG reps weekly from now on. They will be posted on the newsletter and the USG YouTube (Alex Gould - abg72)abg72
Public Relations8/30/2019S'PartyRevamped - now in a new location ft. giveaways, an emcee, professional sound/lighting, and professional DJs!abg72
Student Life8/23/2019Meeting with Auxiliary Services to provide freshmen with the same meal plan options as sophomoresMet with the administrators for auxiliary services for the speed dating and asked them about that. They did not have a direct answer and seemed like they were willing to continue the conversation further. "(Jonathan Qiu - jxq106)"jxq106
Diversity & Inclusion4/8/2019Resolution 27-01 Enforcementmenstrual products will be put in Fribley, water is being tested all throughout campus to see if it is contaminatedppj9
Academic Affairs4/2/2019Self Study PE CreditEmailed Ms. Backus to schedule another meeting to discuss meeting notes from Dartmouth's self study PE class. dfz2
Diversity & Inclusion4/1/2019Guide to Financial InsecurityMeeting with committee this week, RHA next week to gather infojxc1236
Diversity & Inclusion4/1/2019International Student State IDWent with 9 international students to the BMV this past Saturday (3/30) and 8 were able to get their IDs!sxw658
Diversity & Inclusion4/1/2019Disability Accessibility in Academic SpacesHad a very successful meeting with Stephen Campbell (Vice President of Campus Planning & Facilities Management). He will walk through all buildings I pointed out and reach out to me once that is completed. I will also put together a map of accessibility points in academic buildings to be handed out at Orientation to build awareness for access points in academic buildings.abg72
Academic Affairs3/26/2019Book Store ImprovementsI wanted to introduce a new step with ordering books online through the bookstore. If you order a used book but they fill your order with a new one that can increase the bill by a lot, so I want there to be an email that goes out to the student so that once the book store realizes they do not have a used book to fill your order they send an email asking the student if they still would like the order to be filled. dfz2
Student Life3/26/2019Improving Printing ResourcesI am meeting with Associate Vice President of Client Experience this Friday to discuss the feedback Friday results and future steps. Nja40
Student Life3/22/2019Extending Cramelot's HoursFound students willing to work from 8PM-3AM every day of the week; currently corresponding to allow Cramelot to be open at these times. smv53
Student Life3/22/2019Hosting a Forum with CWRU Police DepartmentCurrently planning to meet with campus officials to expedite thissmv53
Student Life3/21/2019Air Conditioning in First Year Residence HallsProposal was submitted to the engineering firm hired by Case University Housing last fall semester and passed the first round of evaluation. A site walk with engineers is to be scheduled this semester so the university may start working out the logistics for the installation of ACs. yxz1690
Student Life3/20/2019Nursing TransportationConfirmed a shuttle/meal plan options!smv53
Student Life3/20/2019Improving Water Quality on CampusFinished meeting with Erin Kollar, Reached out to Sam Arlia and Alex Zhengsxm1093
Student Life3/20/2019Improving Community Development Programs in FYEMet with RHA, USG. Meeting with COC today, UPB Monday, SEC Wednesdaysxm1093
Student Life3/20/2019Campus Safety & SecurityBeginning to plan a lighting tour on campus to find places where lighting can be improved at night. Also looking to setup a security forum for student body to have a more open discussion about campus security (similar to the food forum at Leutner, but more related to campus safety).nxm402
Student Life3/20/2019Campus Safety & SecurityChat with the Chief event in Tink (similar to Dean's study break) and campus lighting tour are in planning stageshrb37
Student Life3/20/2019Enhancing School SpiritHave contacted important people and waiting to set meeting with them. Initiative in progress.bxw331
Diversity & Inclusion3/18/2019Disability Audit of NRV/SRVWe will be doing a feedback Friday this week to collect data on what students want to see in the residence halls in terms of disability accessibility. This way we will gather more information on what we should look for in an audit. kxd249
Student Life3/17/2019Updated Safe Ride HoursSafe Ride hours have been changed to 6pm-3am and will stay this way beyond the time change. arb201
Student Life3/9/2019Weekly Shuttles to Target and WalmartShuttles have started. To reserve your spot, email spplusshuttlereservation@gmail.comhrb37
Diversity & Inclusion3/4/2019Zero Balance Policy PetitionSonia and I met with Krystina Schmidt and she explained the zero balance policy further. We are looking for ways to make the policy clearer to students. sxs1989
Diversity & Inclusion3/3/2019Guide to Financial InsecurityWorking on PowerPoint presentation to show other SEC organizationsjxc1236
Diversity & Inclusion2/25/2019Accessibility Guide For Student Orgsset up meetings with Arik Stewart from UDC and Naomi Sigg from OMA to discuss inclusion in student organizations (reb155)reb155
Diversity & Inclusion2/25/2019Donating Meal SwipesTalked to Naomi Sigg about next steps and talked to Swipe Out Hunger representative about getting a sponsor at Case Westernsns118
Diversity & Inclusion2/19/2019Winter Break Housing for 1st and 2nd YearsHad a meeting with John White and Loretta Sexton. Discussed the possibility of using respite housing for first and second-year students during winter break, but all of those spaces are typically filled. There currently is not extra space for students to move into during winter break, or enough demand from students to keep entire buildings open. Am reaching out to Auxiliary Services/Travel Office to work on potentially working on reducing hotel rates during winter break. -jxc1236jxc1236
Diversity & Inclusion2/18/2019All-Gender Bathroom TaskforceSecured funding for converting almost all single-stall bathrooms to all-gender bathrooms! In the process of compiling a final list right now.dkm45
Diversity & Inclusion2/18/2019Disability Audit of NRV/SRVMeeting with Disability Resources to prioritize basic accessibility features. Creating a taskforce to complete the audits. sxm1093
Diversity & Inclusion2/18/2019Keeping Grants for Off-Campus HousingWaiting to have a meeting to Venus to get updated on the newest progress and ongoing administrative discussions. (aii3)aii3
Student Life2/18/2019Improving Community Development Programs in FYECompleted meetings with RCD's/ARCD's and RHA president. Planning a proposal for next GB meeting. sxm1093
Diversity & Inclusion2/14/2019Disability AuditMet with Disability resources and the director of University Housing. Debrief and Feedback collection in progress.sxm1093
Student Life2/9/2019Expanding Tink Meal HoursMeal Swipes in Tink are now accepted from 1 pm (instead of 2 pm), and from 1 pm in Tomlinson (instead of 1:30 pm)hrb37
Diversity & Inclusion12/12/2018Bon Appetit Misconduct AllegationsGot proper conduct training enforced by Jim O'Brien and spoke to Darnell Parker and will do policy review with Bon Appetit next semesterppj9
Student Life12/5/2018Campus Safety & SecurityGeneral outline of what to be done. Couple ideas to gain insight from other institutions (OSU's bike bugging/Other institutions using decoy bikes). Contacting OSU's USG or OSU security in general to ask them the basics of their programs and how they implemented it on their campus.hxj209
Student Life12/4/2018Increasing availability of Student Performing Arts spacesMet with Karen Potter (Head of Dance Department), Jerrold Scott (Head of Theater Department) and Cyrus Taylor (Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences). Discussed Maltz Phase II and what the departments want out of the space. Because of the Theater Department's limit of 2 fully teched shows in the Blackbox for PTG, looking into other subsidized performing arts spaces, such as the Spot. With the creation of Maltz Phase II and the demolition of Eldred, there will essentially be no real theater where students can perform on their own.mee57
Diversity & Inclusion12/4/2018First-Generation Student AdvocacyJanee Kelley in OMA will be serving as a first-generation coordinator and will be working with the Navigators in the Student Success Initiative to serve as an adviser for first-generation students. Further, all Navigators have gone through comprehensive training on how to advocate for first-generation students.dkm45
Diversity & Inclusion12/4/2018Housing Contract Cancellation FeeHousing allows students to petition the fee and in situations of financial insecurity it is rarely applied.dkm45
Academic Affairs11/30/2018Peer MentorshipStarting a presentation outline to be reviewed by the Pre-Med advisorsvr14
Finance11/28/2018Athletics FundingI met with Pat Kennedy, Associate Athletic Director, and discussed the theology of student leaders of club sports and their wants and needs. I will plan on following up with Dan Conway, Assistant Director for Intramural and Club Sports, as well as attending a club sports meeting to better educate myself on the matter. I can be reached at with any questions or comments.cxr306
Diversity & Inclusion4/1/2018Creating a Physical Resource CenterEverything is being moved into the space in the Church of the Covenant. Rebranding to "Free Store." Opening orientation week!dkm45